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2005_10_23,EU_Parliament_LIBE Technical_Questions Data_Retention_answers.pdf
Answer Number one to the questions : "The choice for these particular sets of data has been based on long discussions within the Council Working Groups, consultation with law enforcement experts and industry. They represent what could be called the essential elements for the effectiveness of the proposal, and reflect those datasets most often required and used by law enforcement authorities to identify who has been in contact with whom, using what means, and at what time."
2005_11_08,EU_presidency COPEN_172_telecom 123 data_retention parliament_discussion.p
"A maximum at least 24 months" - From the current presidency's point of view "Any draft Directive would have to include: Retention periods – flexibility within a minimum and maximum period, with a minimum obligation to retain data falling within the scope of the Directive for 6 months, and a maximum of at least 24 months. A list of telecommunications data to be retained which includes at least data on Internet access, Internet email and Internet telephony, in addition to data on fixed and mobile telephony."
2005_11-07,EU council room doc for jha counsellors on data retention.pdf
This doq contains "Presidency proposals for amendments to the instruments on data retention" and a pretty reasonable amendment by Finland. For that kind of quality the amendment is quite likely to be rejected.
2005_09_27,EU Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention deutsch.pdf
"Vorschlag für eine RICHTLINIE DES EUROPÄISCHEN PARLAMENTS UND DES RATES über die Vorratsspeicherung von Daten, die bei der Bereitstellung öffentlicher elektronischer Kommunikationsdienste verarbeitet werden, und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2002/58/EG". So lautet das Wording, der EU Kommission.
2005_09_27,EU Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention annex
This "Cover Note" from the office of the "Secretary-General of the European Commission" to Mr. Javier Solana the Secretary-General of the European Commission, displays who else is interested in Data Retention - the so called copyright mafia "The retention of traffic data can also be important to combat organised crime in the area of intellectual copyright infringements.3)" [...] 3)Letter of July 2005 to this effect by the CMBA, the Creative and Media Business Alliance. [Page 5].
2005_09_27,EU_Commission copen 150 telecom codec 803 data retention directive draft
The reaction of the EU Commission to the Council's proposal on data retention is: another proposal to the mandatory retention of personal communications data slightly less invasive in scope and formulation.
2005 09 16,EU Council Draft framework decisio on data retention, Copen 42 telecom 90 - LIMITE
This doqument was produced by the council "Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters". Interestingly the "Limite" marked draft framework decision contains numerous reservations and general reservations by different member states. Nice to learn who of the 25 interior ministers are real hardliners, as the reservations are directly attributed.
2005 09 01 Data Retention - the position of the British Eu-presidency
This is the wish-list of the British Eu-presidency concerning data retention. Doqument is not dated but was most likely produced after September the first to be handed around at the mid September JHA council. The official title of the doquement displays some black humour: "Liberty and Security - Striking the right balance"
2004_06_14,data-retention adhoc-meeting euro_ispa presentation.pdf
Data Retention - an ISPs view - on how ISPs will be affected by a general, undifferentiated retention proposal. Sources of Data; used, unused & potential logs; Costs; most not machine-readable; to get meaningful information logs will require outside source, historical data, local usernames mapped to global identities; database volume, security, technical difficulties; how requests would look like and need to be handled


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